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out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Modelos de atracción de los y las adolescentes: contribuciones desde la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género = Modells to attract adolescents: preventive socialization duties of gender violence Padrós Cuxart, María ; Aubert Simon, Adriana ; Melgar Alcantud, Patrícia
media icon DUGiMedia 16 gener 2024 Mòdul 1: Part 1: Sexual and gender diversity in childhood and youth; Part 2: Adult-centered, heteronormative, cisnormative and endonormative perspectives: a critique Santos, Ana Cristina ; Esteves, Mafalda ; Santos, Alexandra
media icon DUGiMedia 16 gener 2024 Mòdul 2: How we understand violence and intersectionality Langarita Adiego, José Antonio ; Sadurní, Núria ; Albertín Carbó, Pilar
media icon DUGiMedia 16 gener 2024 Mòdul 3: Violence againts LGBTI+ children and empowering opportunities in different contexts Montenegro Martínez, Marisela ; San Román, Beatriz ; Pujol i Tarrés, Joan
media icon DUGiMedia 16 gener 2024 Mòdul 4: Assisting LGBTI+ children and young people Urek, Mojca ; Poglajen, Andrej ; Jurček, Anže
media icon DUGiMedia 16 gener 2024 Mòdul 5: LGTBIQ children in vulnerable contexts Platero, Lucas ; Blanco Fuente, Irene
doc icon DUGiDocs 2009 Mujeres inmigradas que padecen violencia en la pareja y sistema sociojurídico: encuentros = Immigrated Women that Suffer Gender Violence from their Couples and the Sociojudicial System: Meetings and Misunderstandingsy desencuentros Albertín Carbó, Pilar
out url icon Recercat Mujeres inmigradas que padecen violencia en la pareja y sistema sociojurídico: encuentros = Immigrated Women that Suffer Gender Violence from their Couples and the Sociojudicial System: Meetings and Misunderstandingsy desencuentros Albertín Carbó, Pilar
out url icon Recercat Mujeres inmigradas que padecen violencia en la pareja y sistema sociojurídico: encuentros = Immigrated Women that Suffer Gender Violence from their Couples and the Sociojudicial System: Meetings and Misunderstandingsy desencuentros Albertín Carbó, Pilar
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Mujeres inmigradas que padecen violencia en la pareja y sistema sociojurídico: encuentros = Immigrated Women that Suffer Gender Violence from their Couples and the Sociojudicial System: Meetings and Misunderstandingsy desencuentros
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Mujeres inmigradas que padecen violencia en la pareja y sistema sociojurídico: encuentros = Immigrated Women that Suffer Gender Violence from their Couples and the Sociojudicial System: Meetings and Misunderstandingsy desencuentros Albertín Carbó, Pilar
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Belgium Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Mills, Kenneth
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Croatia Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Urlić, Ana ; Dumančić, Ana
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Hungary Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Bálint, Eszter ; Sándor, Bea
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Kmop, Greece Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Chara, Skourti ; Panagiota, Kokoliou
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Lithuania Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Kuktoraitė, Eglė
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Poland Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Mulak, Agnieszka
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Portugal Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Santos, Ana Cristina ; Esteves, Mafalda ; Santos, Alexandra
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Slovenia Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Urek, Mojca ; Jurček, Anže ; Poglajen, Andrej
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2020 National analysis on violence against LGBTI+ children: Spain Diversity and Childhood (Projecte) ; Langarita Adiego, José Antonio ; Sadurní Balcells, Núria ; Albertín Carbó, Pilar ; Pujol Tarrés, Joan ; Montenegro, Marisela ; San Román, Beatriz
out url icon Recercat El paper de la dona Chacartegui, Consuelo ; Cuentas, Sara ; Ruiz, Ana Rosa ; Blandón, María Eugenia
out url icon Recercat El paper de la dona Chacartegui, Consuelo ; Cuentas, Sara ; Ruiz, Ana Rosa ; Blandón, María Eugenia
out url icon Recercat El paper de la dona Chacartegui, Consuelo ; Cuentas, Sara ; Ruiz, Ana Rosa ; Blandón, María Eugenia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 El paper de la dona Chacartegui, Consuelo ; Cuentas, Sara ; Ruiz, Ana Rosa ; Blandón, María Eugenia
media icon DUGiMedia 21 abril 2015 Paper del sistema jurídic-penal en l’atenció a dones, fills/es i parelles que maltracten. Les seves connexions amb altres institucions Beneit Vila, Eva
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